Monday, April 26, 2010

No going back

We're on Day 5 of cloth diapers. We've had ups and downs, but neither M or I have broken out the disposables yet. My first pre-fold took about 10 minutes to put on. I had M and my mother laughing in the background, so that didn't help much, but I finally got it on without gaps. I even had trouble with the cover. It was a rough start. The next change was another pre-fold. This time I was better, it probably only took 5 minutes. The cover went right on, no problems. I've tried different folds since then and am finally getting into a groove and figuring out what works best for AJ.

Saturday I went out all day shopping with AJ and my mother. We were out for 7 hours, and it went pretty well. We used our BumGenius diapers this time. One change in the back of a car and one in the Walmart restroom. Unfortunately we did have leaking issues on the second change though. AJ fell asleep half an hour before I needed to do another change, and I let her sleep. (The thing about AJ is she doesn't fall asleep easily, so when she finally does go down, no one wants to wake her up again). I figured we'd have a wetness issue, but I was willing to risk it for just a short time. So the Walmart change was a full outfit change, but even that wasn't bad. The BG were so easy, there was no difference between those and the disposables.

Sunday was another story. Since we were close to home all day, we went back to the pre-folds. First diaper, poop. Then bathtime, another poop. Second diaper, poop. We had to go to church, so we put a BG on, with an extra insert insure we'd have no leaks. As soon as I sat down I smelled more poop (Yeah, I know, AJ is full of it). I waited until the readings to leave to change her. I also realized we had forgotten to pack the wetbag. I stand up for the reading and notice my pants are now wet. So are AJ's of course. Along with forgetting the wetbag I also forgot an extra outfit. I mean we live 20 yards from church, I really didn't think we'd need it. So a quick run home, change both our outfits and her bum of course, then back to church for communion.

After all this poopy drama, we notice AJ's bum is really red and she's squirming away from the wipe. Fantastic. M tries to let her air out, but she can crawl, roll, pull herself up on things, so just hanging free isn't really an option since our floors are untreated wood. So we go with a little A&D and a no cover pre-fold. M attempts to feed AJ a bottle. I advise to put a chuch between her and him, but he didn't think he needed to. So now there's another outfit change for him, and a new diaper for her. That is pretty much all the excitement Sunday could hold.

I figured after all that, if we were still using cloth, we meant to keep it up. How could it get worse than that? NEVER ASK THAT QUESTION!!!

Alex had Shepherd's pie for dinner last night. I know this because some form of that is what came out today, in a truly disgusting mess. We don't have the toilet sprayer, so it's dunk, dunk, dunk. Now I know for certain, since she's still in cloth, that we won't be going back to disposables. I know that mess, and before cloth, that mess would have been from her hair to her toes. We've seen it before, and I hope to never see that again.

Now if I could just find a clothesline.

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