Thursday, September 29, 2011

HDBD, sort of

How Far Along: 28w

Total Weight Gain: According to my first appointment, I'm up a total of 13 pounds. Yay!

Maternity Clothes: Yep, but I can still fit into some of my non-mat t-shirts

Sleep: heartburn or indigestion whatever it should be called has moved me to the couch a few times. Not a fan of sleeping sitting up.

Cravings or Aversions: Nothing really

Best Moment This Week: Passing the 1 hour GT test!!! Add to that, my iron levels were great, so no iron supplements this time either.

Movement: Constant and crazy. I'm losing hope on this one being my good sleeper.

Gender: Girl.

Labor Signs: nope.

Belly Button in or out: Still in, sort of

What I miss: Holding AJ for as long as I want. I'm finally starting to tire out faster when holding her.

What I'm Looking Forward to: Making cloth diapers

Weekly Wisdom: Each pregnancy really is different

Milestones: I just realized that in 90 days or less there will be a baby. Yikes!

What the baby is up to:
Welcome to the third trimester! Moms-to-be who are at 28 weeks and beyond are known for their lack of sleep. Remember if you find yourself up in the middle of the night, do something relaxing. This is not the time to vacuum the house from top to bottom -- even though you might feel the urge to do that at some point. Read a book, drink chamomile tea, listen to soothing music. Then try to get back to bed and get some rest! Being in the third trimester also means much of your and baby’s anatomy are ready to go -- she's prepping for breathing, and your breasts already have colostrum, which is what baby will eat the first few days until your milk comes in. You’ll also start feeling more Braxton Hicks contractions as your body gets ready for labor. Baby will keep getting bigger -- and smarter -- after week 28, and other than that, she just needs a few more finishing touches.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


How Far Along: 27w

Total Weight Gain: Not sure yet. I know I'm up 10 from the start, so I'll find out soon

Maternity Clothes: Yep, but I can still fit into some of my non-mat t-shirts

Sleep: heartburn or indigestion whatever it should be called has moved me to the couch a few times. Not a fan of sleeping sitting up.

Cravings or Aversions: Nothing really

Best Moment This Week: Talking pregnancy with my sister-in-law who is 10w behind me with her first

Movement: Constant and crazy. I'm losing hope on this one being my good sleeper.

Gender: Girl.

Labor Signs: nope.

Belly Button in or out: Still in, sort of

What I miss: Sleeping without the body pillow

What I'm Looking Forward to: Possible job changes in the wind for either M or I

Weekly Wisdom: I know my limits

Milestones: 3rd tri, on some charts anyway

What the baby is up to:
At 27 weeks, baby is breathing (it’s amniotic fluid, not air, but it still counts) and even showing brain activity. You’ve got a lot on your brain, too, from wondering what labor and delivery is going to be like to trying to find the best pediatrician for baby. The annoying symptoms you’ve been having probably aren’t going away, but at least you’ve probably found some ways to deal with them -- and hey, maybe you’re used to them right now. As you say goodbye to the second trimester, you can look forward to some pretty embarrassing stuff (like having to pee all the time -- and maybe even when you don’t mean to at all) that’s all par for the late-pregnancy course. It’s time to head down the home stretch. Are you ready?

Thursday, September 1, 2011


How Far Along: 24w

Total Weight Gain: 9 pounds in 4 weeks. I knew it was coming. My total gain now is 10 pounds. Not bad, as long as the next 4 weeks does not give me another 9 pound gain.

Maternity Clothes: I hit up a big sale, and have clothes for fall. Now I just need the weather to change so I can wear them, and some compression socks so I can wear the fall boots I already own without them getting stuck on my swollen feet by the end of the day.

Sleep: Still okay for the most part.

Cravings or Aversions: Nothing really

Best Moment This Week: M and my get away

Movement: Constant and crazy. I'm losing hope on this one being my good sleeper.

Gender: Girl.

Labor Signs: Please no.

Belly Button in or out: Still in

What I miss: Nothing at the moment

What I'm Looking Forward to: It's unofficially fall! Bring on everything fall related.

Weekly Wisdom: Don't rub my belly if you don't want me to rub yours too

Milestones: I have that horrid orange drink in the fridge. Just waiting, and taunting me with it's gross orange-y ness.

What the baby is up to:

Drink up! Around 24 weeks, your doctor will order a Glucose Tolerance Test -- one of the more memorable prenatal tests -- to see if you’re at risk for gestational diabetes. Basically, the test is designed to see how your body processes sugar, so you’ll be asked to drink a cup of a sweet drink called Glucola (which reminded us of Gatorade) and then hang out for an hour. Once the hour is up, you’ll have your blood drawn and then it will be tested to see how your body has processed the sugar. You know what’s also sweet? Those movements and kicks you’ve been feeling. They seem to get stronger every week. At week 24, baby’s progress isn’t just about internal stuff, it’s about her looks too. With pinker, more opaque skin, she’s looking more and more, well, like a baby. You, on the other hand, are probably experiencing some of the discomforts of the later months of pregnancy at week 24 -- leg cramps, backaches, swollen feet. Hang in there, mama-to-be!

your baby's the size of a papaya!
Your 10.5-to-11.8-inch fetus weighs about 12.7 to 20.8 ounces and every week she gets closer and closer to being ready to survive (and thrive!) in the outside world.

your baby at 24 weeks
  • Her see-through skin is gradually becoming more opaque.
  • And it's got a new pink glow, thanks to the small capillaries that have recently formed.