Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Book vs Movie

I didn't think it could happen. I just finished reading a book and now that I'm done I can say, I prefer the movie. I've never done that before.

I saw this movie a long time ago. Not quite when it came out, but it was many years ago. I enjoyed it. It made me think and be thankful for what I have. I also was a fan of Mandy Moore, and I may or may not have had a crush on Shane West at the time.

The other day while doing some Goodwill hunting, I found a Reader Digest with this book as part of the collection. I always wanted to read it, and I couldn't beat the price ($0.99 for the four books in one). It was an okay story. If I hadn't seen the movie I may have liked it more. However, I didn't feel that the characters were developed to the point the movie did. I didn't feel as engaged in the story, more like an observer than a participant. I love reading, and my favorite books will bring me in until I become a part of their world. It just didn't happen here. However, now that I've read my first Nicholas Sparks book, I'm eager to try another. I've heard great things about him and hope it's worth the time.

The latest author phenomonon (Stephanie Meyers) I just didn't get the big deal. I really hope I can enjoy some of the other Sparks books, because I'm out of authors to try.

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