Monday, March 21, 2011


This is mainly for my records, and to jog my memory should it happen again.

For the past two months AJ has been sick. She has been coughing, congested, and just plain cranky. Mid-February we went to her 18 month well visit. Her doctor said she probably either just had a few colds back to back or it could be allergies. He told us to try a vaporizer in her room (we were already doing this) and give her Zyrtek in case it could be allergies. In true Murphy's Law, AJ didn't cough or sniffle once until he left the room at the end of the appointment. He did say her eyes looked a little pink, so if it got worse, we should call back for Pink Eye drops, especially since I was told it is part of the daycare petri dish at that point. A day after the appointment we had to call for drops.

The cough continued. The congestion continued. The meds didn't seem to do much of anything. Some days it would be less than other, but it was always there, the congestion, the coughing, the crankiness. We had lots of theories during that time; a really bad cold, more molars, change in weather, allergies, genetic abnormalities, and just plain toddler-hood.

Daycare issued new rules to deal with the rampant illnesses in the room. No toddler was allowed in with a runny nose, cough, temperature of any sort even low grade, and all the other bad symptoms of course. We were worried. AJ's nose runs like that's its job. So Wednesday morning came and I had my cell in my pocket all day expecting a call. I figured she'd had it for so long now, she couldn't possibly still be contageous. Wednesday was fine. I picked her up and the teacher said she had a great day, wasn't cranky at all. Woot!

Thursday was another story. She was super cranky as well as everything else she still had. Around 5 her nose started draining green. Not good! I knew she'd be going to the doctors in the morning. She got a fever that night, and was just wimpering all night. She'd wake herself up coughing and just wanted to be held. Not like her. I spent the night with her on the couch, just watching her.

Friday morning I call her doctor's office when it opened. I told them the symptoms, and they moved things around to get her right in. Not a good sign for mommy.

The nurse practitioner she went to discovered the problem(s). Double ear infection, with the right side about to burst, and a sinus infection to boot. Wow, did I feel like the most horrible mother in the world.

I know hindsight is 20/20, and boy did it suck to review the past few weeks. The worst was that she was telling us. Literally telling us. She would say "ear" and point. She is learning body parts, so I just happily said "yes honey, that's an ear. Good job". She did everything her little 19 month old self could do. Then I reviewed my pictures from the week before and found this

How did I sit behind that viewfinder and not notice this most obvious sign of distress? Ugh!
So, anyway, it's been a few days on the antibiotics and AJ is doing much better. She's back to her old self for the most part. It had been so long that I had almost forgotten what normal is for her. I'm so happy she's feeling better.

Oh, and a note to self: never, ever, ever give an antibiotic without stopping with the Miralax first. YIKES!!!

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