Tuesday, March 15, 2011

It's time

I've spent a lot of time being excited for the warmer months. Oh how I longed for the extra hours of sunshine. What I didn't anticipate was how getting to those extra hours would impact a certain little girl.

It's currently 8:30PM and she wants to play ball. WTF!?

Usually AJ is tired around 7PM and is out by 8PM. I really hope those nights come back eventually. Especially on the nights when M isn't home. Now, AJ is exhausted, cranky and clumsy, but still awake. Oh what fun.

If only these extended nights had any impact on her ability to start the day at a time even the animals think she's crazy for being awake.
How wrong would it be to put a little Benadryl in her bottle? (I kid, I think)

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