Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Prove me wrong

I posted earlier about turning AJ's crib into a toddler bed. M and I decided to do it on Friday so we'd have a few days free from obligations requiring high funtioning. We were both counting on some rough nights, and probably figured I'd be sleeping on her floor again. I asked some friends before the switch for advice, I wanted to be fully prepared for what we were about to go through.

Background: AJ is a horrible sleeper. Since the day she came home from the hospital she has fought sleep. Getting her to sleep in a crib was rough. Having her take naps was insane. Every person we came into contact with who had a kid has tried to help with advice or the one I love "give her to me, I'll get her to sleep" and all have failed. She just hates to sleep.

So, M and I were ready for a long haul. We changed over her bed. She played in there for maybe half an hour and moved on. We did the bedtime routine just like normal. However for us, the bedtime routine is quiet time in the living room with her favorite comfort things until she falls asleep or 9PM. Which ever comes first. She fell asleep, and M moved her into her room. I was up most of the night anticipating her.

At 3:30AM I hear a thud and then a cry. I rush into her room ready for her to fight me to put her back to bed. I pick her up, get her tucked in again, and she's out. Yay! Beginners luck though, it has to be.

Nope. The next night, she wakes up once because her beloved Doggie fell out of bed and she couldn't find it. I go in, give her Doggie back and she's out again. This is even with a rough night of coughing due to a lovely summer cold.

Since that second night, we haven't had to go in at all. I'm so excited.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe she is just such a free spirit, that she didnt like to be confined! I hope she keeps this up!!!
